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Will be updated soon.

Basically my role as road safety campaigner is necessary because government on any level ignores it’s basic role of organizing, regulating, protecting and ensuring safe use of roads by all citizens.

I estimate subjectively that 9/10 of the weight of the road problems stem from government, therefore I concentrate on addressing those problems. Should government assume it’s basic role and assure safety, my role may become obsolete as one will make sure that misbehavior of individual drivers will become rare and not as serious as at present.

Even when some individuals behave extremely dangerously and as idiots, it is still government responsibility not to allow idiots to hold driver’s license.

In theory the blog is open to a full debate, but in practice, it is mainly informative blog.  Issues are rather straight facts, not much to be debated. However any constructive criticism or suggestion of a new solution is welcomed. New issues are also welcomed.

In doing so, please avoid to send any personal details like names, addressed and registration of cars.  Not the person but general problem is of our interest.  Public figures like politicians are exempted, they are already public figures.

In your feedback try not to rush with report of a single occurrence. Try to observe the trend, try to make some statistics, and overall be absolutely sure of the rules and issue.  If the rule  is wrong or nonsense, bring to our attention.

Try to show the problem and solution if possible.  It happen that the problem is very serious, so please share with us even if you have no solution to it.

Important thing to avoid is to suggest that the world should revolve around yourself.  A typical example is an innate hatred of cyclists by most drivers and their irrational suggestions that cycling should be disallowed (on their path).  If you complain or suggest, try to show the situation from all points of view.

Posted October 14, 2009 by mmistrz

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